samedi 27 juin 2015

How to use SharedPreferences in an if statement?

I have been working with preferences and SharedPreferences and I am a beginner. So I have a XML document that has a checkbox preference:

        android:summary="Check if you want to adjust the rotation speed"

And I want to write an if() statement to adjust the rotation angle of my object. I know it would probably be better in this situation to use a list preference or another type of preference but I am just trying to understand preferences first. Here is the if statement:

 //Draw Bottom Prism
gl.glScalef(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
gl.glTranslatef(0f, -8f, 0.2f);
if(prefs.getBoolean(keyRotation, false)) {
    gl.glRotatef(angle, 0, 3, -3);
}else {
    gl.glRotatef(angle, 0, -3, 0);

keyRotation is my key value public static final String keyRotation = "touch"; and prefs is my SharedPreference variable SharedPreferences prefs;. I was wondering how I could write an if statement so every time the user checks the check box the rotation angle is gl.glRotatef(angle, 0, 3, -3); and every time the user unchecks it, the rotation angle is gl.glRotatef(angle, 0, -3, 0);. Much gratitude for any help given.

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