mercredi 27 janvier 2016

If statement multiple conditionals on one value without repeating value

I was wondering if there is a way to check multiple conditions for the same variable or value without repeating that value.

For example, if I had the variable keyCode, and I wanted to check if it was greater than 102, or less than 48, or between 65 and 57, or between 70 and 97, I would have to write this:

var keyCode = // some value;
    keyCode > 102 ||
    keyCode < 48 ||
    (keyCode > 57 && keyCode < 65) ||
    (keycode > 70 && keyCode < 97)
) {
    // do something

As you can see, I write keyCode in the if condition 6 times. If the condition were more complex (this one simply rules out all non-hexadecimal characters), then it could be even more repetitive.

I was wondering if there was a way to simplify this. Maybe something like this:

    keyCode > 102 || < 48 || (> 57 && < 65) || (> 70 && < 97)
) {
    // do something

in which you could simply omit the variable name and just put many conditionals on a single variable. It's like the opposite of this question, in which the asker was wondering if there was a way to check multiple variables against a single condition.

I'm coding in JS now, but if you know implementations of this in any other language, that might be helpful in the future as well. I thought there would be an easy implementation of this, because I use it so often, but I was surprised to see that I couldn't find any information on any language feature like this at all.

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