mardi 26 avril 2016

builtins.TypeError: list indices must be integers, not list. line 10, in

My program is to Write a program that will simulate a network of computer that is infected with a virus at various spots.

Based off a list of random numbers 0 (healthy),1 (infected), and 2 (dead) my function needs to display a circle at the given position on the graphics window. Here is the code I have so far for the given function below.

def displaygen(generation,  win):        
    for row in generation:
        for col in row:
            position = Point(5,5)    
            if generation[row][col] == '0':
                circ = Circle(position,3)
            elif generation[row][col] == '1':
                circ = Circle(position,3)
            elif generation[row][col] == '2':
                circ = Circle(position,3)

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