jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Python - Parameter checking with Exception Raising

I am attempting to write exception raising code blocks into my Python code in order to ensure that the parameters passed to the function meet appropriate conditions (i.e. making parameters mandatory, type-checking parameters, establishing boundary values for parameters, etc...). I understand satisfactorily how to manually raise exceptions as well as handling them.

from numbers import Number

def foo(self, param1 = None, param2 = 0.0, param3 = 1.0):
   if (param1 == None):
      raise ValueError('This parameter is mandatory')
   elif (not isinstance(param2, Number)):
      raise ValueError('This parameter must be a valid Numerical value')
   elif (param3 <= 0.0):
      raise ValueError('This parameter must be a Positive Number')

This is an acceptable (tried and true) way of parameter checking in Python, but I have to wonder: Since Python does not have a way of writing Switch-cases besides if-then-else statements, is there a more efficient or proper way to perform this task? Or is implementing long stretches of if-then-else statements my only option?

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