samedi 31 décembre 2016

C++ calling superclass with if statment

I think I am missing something here but can't figure out what..

If I do this, I get compile error "error C2446: ':': no conversion from 'const boost::defer_lock_t' to 'const boost::try_to_lock_t'"

explicit BasicScopedLock( CCondition& condition, bool initiallyLocked = true ) 
    : LockType( condition.mutex, (initiallyLocked == true ? (boost::try_to_lock) : (boost::defer_lock)) ) 
    , m_condition( condition ) 

But if I do this, it compiles.

explicit BasicScopedLock( CCondition& condition, bool initiallyLocked = true ) 
    : LockType( condition.mutex, boost::try_to_lock ) 
    , m_condition( condition ) 

This works too...

explicit BasicScopedLock( CCondition& condition, bool initiallyLocked = true ) 
    : LockType( condition.mutex, boost::defer_lock ) 
    , m_condition( condition ) 

Does anyone have a clue on why compiler doesn't like the if statement here?

Thank you!

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