mercredi 31 mai 2017

How i make the code skip to a certain point in the loop?

I'm working on a basic game. I'd like to know how I can make the code go to a specific point in the loop, rather than starting off at the beginning.

For example, in my code at line 19: kithcen() I don't want to redirect it to the start of loop again going on the describe the kitchen and then asking for an input: choice02 = raw_input("What do you do?"), but rather i want it to directly skip to the input part.

def kitchen():
print "You see a dusty old kitchen, nobody has probably used it for quite a while."
print "There are 3 different cupboards(0, 1, 2) or a letter(3) placed on the counter."
choice02 = raw_input("What do you do? >")

if choice02 == "0" or choice02 == "first cupboard" or choice02 == "check first cupboard" or choice02 == "open first cupboard":
    print "You see a dusty empty bottles of milks, with spiderwebs at the corners of the cupboard. Nothing of Interest here."

elif choice02 == "1" or choice02 == "second cupbaord" or choice02 == "check second cupboard" or choice02 == "open second cupboard":
    print "You see some packs of likely expired cereal and a key(0)."
    choice_02_A = raw_input("What do you do? >")

    if choice02_A == "pick key" or choice02_A == "key" or choice02_A == "0" or choice02_A == "get key":
        print "You picked the key. This probably unlocks some door."
        raw_input("> ")

    elif choice02_A == "close cupboard" or choice02_A == "kitchen" or choice02_A == "go back to kitchen":

        print "Not a valid option."

elif choice02 == "2" or choice02 == "third cupboard" or choice02 == "check third cupboard" or choice02 == "open third cupboard":
    print "You see an empty or dusty cupboard. Nothing of interest here."
    raw_input("> ")

elif choice02 == "3" or choice02 == "check letter" or choice02 == "letter" or choice02 == "read letter":
    print """
    You read the letter:
    \n"Dear Shawn............\n"
    It makes no sense to you.

elif choice02 == "go back" or choice02 == "entrance hall" or choice02 == "go to entrance hall":

    "Not a valid Option."

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