jeudi 31 août 2017

EXCEL: cant perform functions on result from if statement

I have a row in an excel doc with =if(C1=1,C21,""), etc. This gives me a resulting value of 255. I can't seem to do anything with this value, if I set another cell to equal the result cell, it appears as 255 also (makes sense). If I do sum(), average(), etc. of the if result cell I get 0 as an answer (doesn't make sense). I've tried copying and pasting pasting (values only) but no luck.

I'm trying to take the average of a row of these if statements, but am getting the #DIV/0! error. I've tried changing the if statements to =if(C1=1,C21,0) and using =averageif(C50:J50,">0") but i get the same error.

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