lundi 31 août 2020

UIPath. if condition

Im new to uipath and coding in general. I know most of the basics from what was taught but they didnt go through how to form "condition" statements in the "if" activity. or basically any form of conditions. Where can i go about to learning them? is it a specific language?

kinda like: not Months.Contains(ExpenseMonth)

i wouldnt be able to come up with that because i dont know what is acceptable/readable to uipath studio

also regarding those calculations. where can i find more information on those? to learn more about

kinda like: (int32.Parse(row("Value").ToString) * 100 / monthlyTotal).ToString

they didnt really give me details on how to form that

so essentially, if i wasnt spoon fed with those statements, i would be stuck

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