mercredi 25 novembre 2020

Excel formula - Is there a way to perform if statements for same query cell for nth cells before changing to next consecutive query cell

I have a sheet1 that has the following dataset A

ColumnA:    ColumnB:      ColumnC:      ColumnD:

Row1:        June 1        June 2        June 3
Row3: A      Apple         Apple         Orange
Row4: B      Orange        Orange        Orange
Row5: C      Orange        Apple         Orange
Row6: D      Pear          Apple         Pear

In that sheet I have the following table

       Consumed fruits
        **June 1**             **June 2**            **June 3**
     Apple Orange Pear      Apple Orange Pear     Apple Orange Pear

A    True                   True                        True
B          True                   True                  True
C          True             True                        True
D                 True      True                               True

Where for each cell I add the following code that pertains to datasetA

For June 1, A, Apple


June 1, A, Orange


June 1,A, Pear


But when I drag the formula to the next date (June 2, A, Apple), it changes to


Instead of


Is there anyway to keep the query cells constant for 3 formulas, before incrementing just one query cell up in the next 3 formulas?

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