mercredi 5 mai 2021

if/else in map Shiny

enter image description hereI have a map in a shiny, where some filters are made, through selectinput. I need the filters in each box to work independently. In my current code, I was unable to establish this independence. I don't think I'm using the if / else correctly. I need you to help me evaluate if the if / else is being used correctly.

#### Mapa ####
    filtered <- reactive({
      filter(places_df,INDIGENA == input$INDIGENA)
      if(input$INDIGENA == 'Todos' & input$POSSUI.ENERGIA == 'Todos'){
        filter(places_df,INDIGENA == input$INDIGENA & POSSUI.ENERGIA == input$POSSUI.ENERGIA)


    output$MapPlot1 <- renderLeaflet({
        leaflet(data =  filtered())%>% 
        setView(-51.127166, -4.299999, 10)%>%  
        addMarkers(popup = paste0(places_df$ID.GRUPO.FAMILIAR, "</br>", places_df$LOCALIDADES))
      leafletProxy("MapPlot1", data = filtered ())%>%  
        addMarkers(popup = paste0(places_df$ID.GRUPO.FAMILIAR, "</br>", places_df$LOCALIDADES))

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