lundi 27 septembre 2021

Swift: If image exists, return it, otherwise return nil

I've been trying to find a way to check if SF Symbols and Images exist in swift.
In all of the answers I've come across, the nil coalescing operator (??) is used, which requires a default image that always exists. This doesn't work in my case.

I would like to test if an image (or a symbol) exists and then return it if it exists, otherwise return nil.

How can this be achieved?

I am trying to achieve this using SwiftUI's Image for a multiplatform application. I am trying to avoid using UIImage or NSImage to do my checks.


Note 1: When requesting an SF Symbol that does not exist (for example, there was a typo in the systemName: [name] parameter), the image appears as an empty area. (Tested with Label)

The following solutions have been tested and are ineffective:
(Note: in all of the attemps, there are is a variable name: String)

Solution 1

let image = Image(systemName: name)
if image {
    return image
} else {
    return nil

Throws the error:

Cannot convert value of type 'Image' to expected condition type 'Bool'

It throws the exact same error when: let image = Image(name)

Solution 2

if let image = Image(systemName: name) {
    return image

Throws the error:

Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'Image'

Solution 3

let image = Image(systemName: name)
if image != nil {
    return image

Does not work and gives the warning:

Comparing non-optional value of type 'Image' to 'nil' always returns true

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