jeudi 28 octobre 2021

Bash script to check merged branches

I have a bash script that checks for all merged branches in the repositories.
I want to add some logic to it: in case there are no merged branches (either all branches were merged or deleted) it should print according message, but I can't figure out why the condition that I'm passing to it doesn't work(?).
I have tried different conditions (-z, -n), but it doesn't work.
Thank you.

  for repo in "${REPOS[@]}"; do
    if [ -d "$repo" ]; then
      cd "$repo" || exit
      echo "Branches that were already merged into ${BRANCH_NAME} branch in $repo repository and could be deleted:"
      for branch in $(git branch -a --merged | grep -v ${BRANCH_NAME} | grep -Evw 'test' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="remotes/origin"} {print $2}') ; do
        if [ -z "$branch" ]; then
          echo "Nothing to delete."
          echo "$branch" | cut -c 2-
          cd ../ || exit

The output I'm receiving:

     Branches that were already merged into master branch in second-private repository and could be deleted:


     Branches that were already merged into master branch in third-private repository and could be deleted:

    It prints out empty space but I want something like this:

    **no branches to delete** (message that I want to be displayed) 


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