dimanche 28 novembre 2021

Why am I getting an invalid syntax error in this python code? [duplicate]

indexS = 0
indexE = 0
rNumS = 0
rNumE = 0

for i, row in dfPeople.iterrows():
    cityS = "null"
    stateS = "null"
    cityE = "null"
    stateE = "null"
    if (dfPeople.at[i,'CityP'] == 1):
        rNumS = dfSaferCities.iloc[indexS]['RelocationNumber']
        if (rNumS == 0):
            indexS += 1

        cityS = dfSaferCities.iloc[indexS]['Name']
        stateS = dfSaferCities.iloc[indexS]['State']
        dfPeople.at[i,'CityChosen'] = cityS
        dfPeople.at[i,'StateOfCityChosen'] = stateS
        rNumS -= 1
    if (dfPeople.at[i,'CityP'] == 2):
        rNumE = dfEconomicalCities.iloc[indexE['RelocationNumber']
        if (rNumE == 0):
            indexE += 1 

        cityE = dfEconomicalCities.iloc[indexE]['Name']
        stateE = dfEconomicalCities.iloc[indexE]['State']
        dfPeople.at[i,'CityChosen'] = cityE
        dfPeople.at[i,'StateOfCityChosen'] = stateE
        rNumE -= 1

I get an invalid syntax error on "if (rNumE == 0):" and I do not know why. It looks correct to me. I don't know what else to say. I really really do not know what else it could be.

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