I hope your day is going better then mine. I thought I had an easy task this morning to combine two tables in mysql (Distrib 5.5.43, for debian-linux-gnu) based on a common column. Basically the structure is as follows:
Hip Description Purchaser Price
1 Bill Smith Sam Dillon $300,000
2 Justin Boyle Sarah Jones $75,000
3 Kevin Bains Anne Helan $120,000
4 Greg Demtri James Coon $250,000
2 James King $80,000
4 Bill Smell $300,000
What I'm trying to do is update Practice1 with values from Practice2. The end result would look like this:
Hip Description Purchaser Price
1 Bill Smith Sam Dillon $300,000
2 Justin Boyle James King $80,000
3 Kevin Bains Anne Helan $120,000
4 Greg Demtri Bill Smell $300,000
What I've tried (and didn't work) so far has been:
UPDATE Practice1
SET Practice1.Purchaser=(SELECT `COL 2` FROM `Practice2` WHERE Practice1.Hip=`Practice2`.`COL 1`),
Practice1.Price=(SELECT `COL 3` FROM `Practice2` WHERE Practice1.Hip=`Practice2`.`COL 1`)
ORDER BY Practice1.Hip
What ended up happening was the information I wanted was updated, however the information that wasn't suppose to be touch became NULL! I.E.-
Hip Description Purchaser Price
1 Bill Smith NULL NULL
2 Justin Boyle James King $80,000
3 Kevin Bains NULL NULL
4 Greg Demtri Bill Smell $300,000
So I tried an "IF" type of statement:
UPDATE Practice1
SET Practice1.Purchaser = if(Practice1.Purchaser=Practice2.`COL 2`, Practice1.Purchaser, Practice2.`COL 2`),
Practice1.Price = if(Practice1.Price=Practice2.`COL 3`, Practice1.Price, Practice2.`COL 3`)
WHERE Practice1.Hip=Practice2.`COL 1`
ORDER BY Practice1.Hip
which gave me the error "1054 - Unknown column 'Practice2.COL 1' in 'where clause'" I think its something basic that I'm missing (I hope).
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