lundi 25 mai 2015

Project Euler 4. Why is my condition evaluating to true when using the .reverse! method on a string in a each loop?

I am currently doing project 4 of Euler where I have to find the highest palindrome number. My idea was to put all the multiples into an array called multiples and change each of these numbers into a string.

Next I was going to loop though this array and push any string that was equal to its reverse to a new array called palindromes. However, for some reason my if statement evaluates for true for every number and I do not know why.

The specific code giving the problem is this

multiples.each do |n| #collecting the number of pallidromes    
    if n.reverse!.to_i ==  n.to_i#compare the number

The whole of the code is as follows:

#A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99.

#Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

def palindrome(bigNum,smallNum)
  i = 1
  palindromes = []
  multiples = []#collecting the number of multiples

  while i <= bigNum
    while smallNum <= bigNum
      multipliedNum = bigNum * smallNum #multiplying each bigNum by each smallNum 
      multipliedNum = multipliedNum.to_s #changing it into a string
      multiples.push(multipliedNum) #adding it an array
      smallNum += 1
    i += 1

  multiples.each do |n| #collecting the number of pallidromes    
    if n.reverse!.to_i ==  n.to_i#compare the number
  puts palindromes.inspect
  puts palindromes.count
  puts multiples[-1]



Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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