mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Comparing two strings with md5 code

I got this problem, and I tried to solved for hours but I couldn't :(

        $c1= 0;
        $c2= 1;
        $c3= 2;

        $password= 'd2490f048dc3b77a457e3e450ab4eb38';

        echo $correct= md5($c1.$c2.$c3);
        // d2490f048dc3b77a457e3e450ab4eb38
        echo '<br />';
        echo $password;

        if ($correct==$password) {
            echo 'Ok!';

I do not know why is it never enter the if statement. they are equal and both of them are strings, so what's the wrong ?!

I'm working on php 5.2.6 (local server)

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