vendredi 1 janvier 2016

I'm trying to make a console based battleship game but I don't know how to set the ships

        int randRow = rand.nextInt(rows-4);
        int randColumn = rand.nextInt(columns); 

here i check if my new ship doesn't interfere with my first ship. the entire array is filled with objects which contain a '.' char except for where the first ship is

        if(field[randRow][randColumn].value == '.' &&
                field[randRow][randColumn+1].value == '.' &&
                field[randRow][randColumn+2].value == '.' &&
                field[randRow][randColumn+3].value == '.'){
        field[randRow][randColumn] = new Square('b');
        field[randRow+1][randColumn] = new Square('b');
        field[randRow+2][randColumn] = new Square('b');
        field[randRow+3][randColumn] = new Square('b');


if my new ship doesn't fit i want to retry with different random values but i don't know how.


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