jeudi 24 novembre 2016

Iterate through list and check each element with your own condition? (CLISP)

I am trying to iterate through the list and make an if statement to each of the elements I encounter in CLISP

Most of my problems come from me not knowing the syntax very well though

Here is what I am trying to do:

*"lst"* is for example (1 4 2 6 4 7 2 4)

(setq finalList())

(loop for x in lst                      

    (if ((< x 5) && (not(equal(x nil))))       ; IF x < 5 and x != nil

         (append lst x)                        ; THEN STATEMENT

         (princ "Skip")                        ; ELSE STATMENT

That logically should have done it, however, I am possibly wrong with my syntax (If I forgot extra colon here, judge if as pseudo code, thanks)

Question is: How to iterate through the list and make an if else statements to each of the elements I encounter

P.S. homework tag should be presented, but I do not have reputation enough yet for making new tags


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