mercredi 1 mars 2017

Create a program to calculate parking fare

Write a program to calculate the parking fare for customers who park their cars in a parking lot when the following information is given:

a. A character showing the type of vehicle: C for car, B for bus and T for truck

b. An integer between 0 and 24 showing the hour the vehicle entered the lot.

c. An integer between 0 and 60 showing the minute the vehicle entered the lot.

d. An integer between 0 and 24 showing the hour the vehicle exited the lot.

e. An integer between 0 and 60 showing the minute the vehicle exited the lot.

As it’s a public lot, people are encouraged to park for only a short period of time. The management uses two different rates for each type of vehicle.

enter image description here

No vehicle is allowed to stay in the parking lot later that midnight; it will be towed away. There is also a GST of 6% on the parking charges.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    char type; //type of vehicles
    int totalMinParked, totalHourParked; //total hour and minute parked
    int hourIn, minIn, hourOut, minOut; //time showing the vehicles enter and exit in hours and minutes
    float totalChargeFee; //the total price of user's parking charge fee

    printf("---Parking Lot Charge---\n"); //introduction message
    printf("Enter type of vehicle: %c", type);
    scanf("%c", &type);
    printf("Enter hour in:");
    scanf("%d", &hourIn);
    printf("Enter minute in:");
    scanf("%d", &minIn);
    printf("Enter hour out:");
    scanf("%d", &hourOut);
    printf("Enter minute out:");
    scanf("%d", &minOut);

    if(type == 'C' && totalHourParked <= 3)
        totalChargeFee = 0.8 * totalHourParked;
         totalChargeFee = 1.5 * totalHourParked;

    if(type == 'T' && totalHourParked <= 2)
         totalChargeFee = 1.5 * totalHourParked;
         totalChargeFee = 2.3 * totalHourParked;

    if(type == 'B' && totalHourParked <= 1)
         totalChargeFee = 2 * totalHourParked;
         totalChargeFee = 3.4 * totalHourParked;

    printf("Your total charge fee: %.2f", totalChargeFee);
    scanf("%lf", &totalChargeFee);

    return 0;

I don't know how to make it calculate the time in and time out with hours and minutes difference and also the type of vehicles.

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