I need to specify default shipping method, for when none is provided on the entry form in Netsuite. For various reasons I have to do this within the PDF/HTML template. This is the code I have so far, but it doesn't seem to work;
<#function toNumber val>
<#if val?has_content && val?length gt 0 >
<#return val?html?replace('[^0-9.]','','r')?number >
<#else><#return 0 ></#if></#function>
<#if record.shipmethod?has_content>
${record.shipmethod} <!-- if a courier is selected -->
<#else> <!-- else -->
<#list 2000..2560 as pcx> <!-- Sydney Metro postcodes -->
<#if toNumber(record.shipzip)==pcx>
Courier1 <!-- Standard Sydney Metro Courier -->
<#else> <!-- else -->
Courier2 <!-- Standard Interstate Courier -->
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