For some reason my if statement is not running properly inside of my ForEach statement. The only reason I could think it would be doing this is if the ForEach statement was stopping after the ${Source} declaration, which would be odd.
function new-Backup {
ForEach ($Source in $Sources){
${FileName} = Split-Path ${Source} -Leaf
Add-Content ${Log}\${Timestamp}.log "[Information] $(Get-Timestamp): Backup Script Running..."
Add-Content ${Log}\${Timestamp}.log "[Information] $(Get-Timestamp): Creating archive: ${FileName}-${TimeStamp}.zip"
WinRAR a -ep ${Destination}\${FileName}-${TimeStamp}.zip $Source
If(Test-Path -Path ${Destination}\${Filename}-${Timestamp}){
Add-Content ${Log}\${Timestamp}.log "[Information] $(Get-Timestamp): Successfully created archive: ${FileName}-${TimeStamp}.zip"
Add-Content ${Log}\${Timestamp}.log "[Information] $(Get-Timestamp): Failed to create archive: ${FileName}-${TimeStamp}.zip"
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