The problem is that the if statement just aren't functioning properly. Even when the option selected is 2, the first if statement runs. I want the first if statement to run when option is 1 and the second if statement to run if option is 2.Please let me know if you need more details or code. I am writing a bank account management system to help learn c++.
void depositWithdrawal (string number, int option)
int amount;
bool found = false;
bankAccount acc;
string accountNumber;
string name;
string balance;
string interestRate;
fstream File;"Account.csv");
cout << "File could not be opened!";
while(File.good() && found == false)
getline(File, accountNumber, ',');
getline(File, name, ',');
getline(File, balance, ',');
getline (File, interestRate);
if(accountNumber == number)
cout << "=============================================================================" << endl;
cout << "Account Number Name Account Balance Interest Rate " << endl;
cout << "=============================================================================" << endl;
cout << accountNumber << "\t\t " << name << "\t\t" << balance << "\t\t\t" << interestRate << endl;
if(option == 1)
cout << "How much is being deposited? ";
cin >> amount;
int newBalance = stoi(balance) + amount;
ofstream outFile;"Account.csv", ios::app);
outFile << accountNumber << "," << name << "," << newBalance << "," << interestRate << endl;
if(option == 2)
cout << "How much is being withdrawn? ";
cin >> amount;
if(stoi(balance) < amount)
cout << "insufficient balance" << endl;
int newBalance = stoi(balance) - amount;
ofstream outFile;"Account.csv", ios::app);
outFile << accountNumber << "," << name << "," << newBalance << "," << interestRate << endl;
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