vendredi 4 mai 2018

Crystal Formula: If/then/else statement with multiple conditions

I am writing a formula for crystal so I can get a count of when certain criteria are met. Here is my statement:

IF {eResponse.eResponse.05}=2205001 AND

({eSituation.esituation.11}="I20.9" or {eSituation_12.eSituation.12}="I20.9") AND ({eDisposition_HospitalTeamActivationGroup.eDisposition.24}=4224013 or not(isnull({eDisposition_HospitalTeamActivationGroup.eDisposition.25}))) then 1 else 0;

I am still getting some fields that are blank for this formula, which I know shouldn't be the case. How would you correct it so I only return 1's or 0's?


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