mardi 25 juin 2019

How can I add points to a variable after certain buttons are selected

I have a set of buttons with ingredients and another set of the same but with the tools that can be used, and I want to give points when the correct tool and the ingredient that corresponds to it are selected.


func givePoints () {
        let toolSelected = MainInfoManager.shared.getToolWith(name: ToolName(rawValue: toolSelectedId)!)
        let ingredientSelected = MainInfoManager.shared.getIngredientWith(name: IngredientName(rawValue: ingredientSelectedId)!)
        if let currentBowl = bowl, seconds > 0 {
            for ingredient in currentBowl.ingredients {
                print ("este tambien")
                if == && toolSelected.ingredients.contains(where: { $ == }) {
                    print("y este tambien")
                    pointsForChoices += 10

please help me thank you

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