mardi 2 juillet 2019

First value greater than n inside np.where()

I need to subtract each row in a certain column intrades_right from each row in a certain column in trades_left to find all occasions where two conditions for these differences are satisfied. The expected result is the column (indicator2) with 1 if both conditions are satisfied and 0 otherwise. I have a problem with the second condition, where I try to find the minimal difference between trades_left['ms'] and trades_right['ms'] which is greater or equal to 1. I've used Method #2 from here:


for row in trades_left:
    trades_left['indicator2'] = np.where(((trades_left['indicator'] - trades_right['indicator']) == -1) & ((trades_left['ms'] - trades_right['ms']) = min((trades_left['ms'] - trades_right['ms']) for (trades_left['ms'] - trades_right['ms']) if (trades_left['ms'] - trades_right['ms']) >= 1), 1, 0)

This gives me:

  File "<ipython-input-58-ae2d13f2e547>", line 2
    trades_left['indicator2'] = np.where(((trades_left['indicator'] - trades_right['indicator']) == -1) & ((trades_left['ms'] - trades_right['ms']) == min((trades_left['ms'] - trades_right['ms']) for (trades_left['ms'] - trades_right['ms']) if (trades_left['ms'] - trades_right['ms']) >= 1), 1, 0)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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