Suppose that I have a tsv file (named "tsv-test.txt") with the following contents:
5ig7 G H 0 I
5ig7 A B 0 C
5ig7 D E 0 F
5ig7 J K 0 L
6ch8 D E 0 B
In the first column, I want to check if the previous row has the same term. I've read the tsv into a list as a 2D array. how do I loop through the 2D array to do this check at every row? For reference, here's what I've done so far:
import csv
#read the tsv into python, tell python its a tsv
tsv_file = open("tsv-test.txt")
read_tsv = csv.reader(tsv_file, delimiter="\t")
#put tsv into a 2D array
arraytest = []
for line in read_tsv:
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