I am working on some OOP in Java, but i can't get my scanners to work as required in the main class. Here is the snip of the code I am working with:
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int choice = scanner.nextInt();
boolean quit = false;
if(choice == 1) {
else if (choice == 2) {
while (!quit) {
System.out.println("What is required to be modified" + "\n\t1. Teacher" + "\n\t2. Student");
if(scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
System.out.println("Select teacher to modify" + "\n\t1. Adam" + "\n\t2. John" + "\n\t3. Bob");
if (scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
System.out.println("Select parameter to modify" + "\n\t1. Salary" + "\n\t2. Status");
if(scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
System.out.println("Current Salary is: " + Adam.getEmpSalary() + "\n\t 1. Change Salary ?");
if(scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
System.out.println ("Enter New Salary");
else if (scanner.nextInt() == 2) {
if (Adam.isEmpStatus()){
System.out.println("Current Teacher is: Active" + "\n\t 1. Change Status ?");
if(scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
}else break;
}else if (!Adam.isEmpStatus()){
System.out.println("Current Salary is: Terminated" + "\n\t 1. Change Status ?");
if(scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
}else break;
}else if (scanner.nextInt() == 2) {
System.out.println("Select parameter to modify" + "\n\t1. Salary" + "\n\t2. Status");
if(scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
System.out.println("Current Salary is: " + John.getEmpSalary() + "\n\t 1. Change Salary ?");
if(scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
System.out.println ("Enter New Salary");
}else break;
else if (scanner.nextInt() == 2) {
if (John.isEmpStatus()){
System.out.println("Current Salary is: Active" + "\n\t 1. Change Status ?");
if(scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
}else break;
}else if (!John.isEmpStatus()){
System.out.println("Current Salary is: Terminated" + "\n\t 1. Change Status ?");
if(scanner.nextInt() == 1) {
}else break;
Basically I introduced a scanner called choice
where it will go throughout the code inputing choices from the user. The code will first ask a question and the user is required to enter either 1/2/3 etc.. based on the choice an if statement will be selected.
The code works well if my choices are only 1, while if I choose 2 or 3, in runtime the console waits for me to enter another value, i.e. if i select 2 at one of the choices, i have to input 2 again to be able to enter the required statement. I can't get my head around why is it acting that way.
Thanks !
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