mercredi 8 juillet 2020

Classify output value based on different conditions

I have written a code in Python which outputs a single value and I want to write a code that classifies that single output value depending on different statements.

My code gives me the value of 'Vk' and I want Python to classify automatically the value and output the statement based on these conditions and ranges:


I have tried the following but no output was printed:

if (Vk = 0):
       st = 'Ideal Homogenous'

if (0 < Vk < 0.25):
       st = 'Slightly Heterogenous'

if (0.25 < Vk < 0.50):
       st = ' Heterogenous'

if (0.50 < Vk < 0.75):
       st = 'Very Heterogenous'

if (0.75 < Vk < 1):
       st = 'Extremely Heterogenous'

if (Vk = 1):
       st = 'Perfectly Heterogenous'

Any suggestions? Thanks!

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