mardi 7 juillet 2020

How Do I Take An Input From A Textbox And Use It To Search For a Location On Google Maps?

I am working on a project and one of the goals is for the user to put a location's name into a textbox and press a button to search for a location on a Google map.

<h2>How to Use</h2>
<p>To use this program, enter a location then click the button to search for it.</p>

<h2>Search Location</h2>
Location: <input type="text" id="myText" value="">
<!-- This creates a textbox --->

<button onclick="searchFunction()">Search</button>
<!-- This creates a button --->

<p id="demo"></p>

  function searchFunction() {
    var location = document.getElementById("myText").value;

  #map {
    height: 400px;
    width: 100%;


  <h1>Google Map</h1>
  <div id="map"></div>
    function initMap() {
      var options = {
        zoom: 12,
        center: {
          lat: 39.7684,
          lng: -86.1581

      var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), options);
  <script async defer src="">

    if (location == "Children's Museum") {
      function initMap() {
        var options = {
          zoom: 12,
          center: {
            lat: 39.810230,
            lng: -86.158882

        var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), options);

        var locationTestPosition = {
          lat: 39.810230,
          lng: -86.158882
        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
          position: locationTestPosition,
          map: map

This is the code that I currently have. The idea is that the user will insert a place's name and then using an if/else statement, the code will place a marker on the map at the proper coordinates. I cannot seem to get it to work though. I am new to HTML and JavaScript, so this is a lot of learning for me.

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