mercredi 8 juillet 2020

If statement in C aren't running

I want to code a program that can calculate the area of a triangle based on the user's input, I am Brazilian so the print is in Portugues, however i think that it won't change anynthing. So my problem is the first "if" runs perfect, but the second "if" only prints the first line (Voce tem o valor dos 3 lados? (s ou n): ) and the program stop running, i can't find where my mistake is if someone can help me it would be good, and if the portuguese is making it more difficult let me know and I translate it. thanks.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

void triangulo(){

int angulo;
float a, b, c, s, area, base, altura, seno, rad;
char resposta1, resposta2;

printf("Voce tem os valores da base e da altura? (s ou n):  ");
scanf("%c", &resposta1);

if (resposta1 == 's'){

   printf("Digite a base do triangulo : ");
   scanf("%f", &base);

   printf("Digite a altura do triangulo : ");
   scanf("%f", &altura);

   area = (base * altura)/2;

   printf("A area do triangulo eh : %f", area);



  if(resposta1 == 'n'){

        printf("Voce tem o valor dos 3 lados? (s ou n): ");
        scanf("%c", &resposta2);

        if(resposta2 == 's'){

        printf("Digite o valor do lado : ");
        scanf("%f", &a);

        printf("Digite o valor do lado : ");
        scanf("%f", &b);

        printf("Digite o valor do lado : ");
        scanf("%f", &c);

        s = (a + b + c)/2;

        area = sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));

        printf("A area do triangulo eh : %f", area);

       if(resposta2 == 'n'){

         printf("Digite o lado : ");
         scanf("%f", &a);

         printf("Digite o outro lado : ");
         scanf("%f", &b);

         printf("Digite o angulo entre esses dois lados : ");
         scanf("%d", &angulo);

         rad = 3.14159265358979323846/180;

         seno = sin(rad * angulo);

         area = (a * b * seno)/2;

         printf("A area do triangulo eh : %f", area);



int main (void){


return 0;

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