mardi 1 septembre 2020

2d Array track player movement into specific spaces around an entity

Ok, so I need assistance with an array, I have a 2D array that a player can move through, at the moment I'm randomly generating an entity and a player is supposed to be able to interact with it. I have one decently long if statement that tracks if the player approaches the entity however unable to increase the range at what will trigger a prompt. This if statement is long and was frustrating to wrap my head around at times but is as follows;

if(((getPlayerX() == getEntityX() - getPlayerRange()) || (getPlayerX() == getEntityX() + getPlayerRange()) || (getPlayerX() == getEntityX())) && ((getPlayerY() == getEntityY() - getPlayerRange()) || (getPlayerY() == getEntityY() + getPlayerRange()) || (getPlayerY() == getEntityY()))){

However when the range increase to two (from its default which is one), this no longer works. I want to implement this so a player with higher range can still interact with this entity. Is there an easier way to do this that might be more efficient?

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