jeudi 19 novembre 2020

Crystal Reports Cross Tab Embedded Summary based on Row Label

I am trying to build a cross tab report in Crystal Reports. The report looks at my warehouses and gives me a total count of items in them. I have an Embedded Summary in the report that looks at the count of items for that warehouse, divides that count by 365 and then rounds the number up. This formula is used to help determine by warehouse how many items we need to physically count daily in order to count all items in a 365 day period.

The formula is as follows

Roundup(GridValueAt (CurrentRowIndex, CurrentColumnIndex ,0 ) / 365)

Using this formula for my embedded summary I get the exact value that I would expect. The issue is some warehouses have a different requirement. Some warehouses only need to be counted once per year while other warehouses need to be counted 3 times per year.

How can I covert the above formula to an if, then, else statement? Something to the effect of:

Warehouse in ["Warehouse 1", "Warehouse 4", "Warehouse 7"]
(Roundup(GridValueAt (CurrentRowIndex, CurrentColumnIndex ,0 ) / 365)*3)
Roundup(GridValueAt (CurrentRowIndex, CurrentColumnIndex ,0 ) / 365)  

This is what I am trying to get my report to look like

             Count of Items         Number of counts per day
Warehouse 1            500                          6                         (500/365)*3  
Warehouse 2            23                           1                         23/365  
Warehouse 3            373                          2                         373/365  
Warehouse 4            817                          9                         (817/365)*3  

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