mercredi 18 novembre 2020

How do I get the programme to allow the user to change info if it is enterred incorrectly during a loop?

I am writing a programme that allows a user to enter personal details but each detail is limited by character length or something like that. I need it to allow the user to enter the details wrong 5 time before being cleared and sent back to a previous form. Im currently trying to use a loop for this but at the moment when you press the enter details button it just loops 5 times straight away and sends the user back without the user being able to change details and try again. Here is what I have so far.

Private Sub btnEnter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEnter.Click
        'Declare variables 
        'This is the form that i will only allow the operator to enter 5 mistakes before being locked out

        Dim strStreetAddress As String = txtStreetAddress.Text
        Dim strTown As String = txtTown.Text
        Dim strCounty As String = txtCounty.Text
        Dim strEircode As String = txtEircode.Text
        Dim mskPhoneNumber As String = mskNumber.Text
        Dim intErrorCount As Integer = 0

        'set up if statements 

        Do Until intErrorCount = 5
            If strStreetAddress.Length = 0 Or strTown.Length = 0 Or strCounty.Length = 0 Or mskPhoneNumber.Length = 0 Or strEircode.Length = 0 Then
                intErrorCount += 1
                MessageBox.Show("One or more details have not been enterred")

            ElseIf strStreetAddress.Length > 50 Or strTown.Length > 15 Or strCounty.Length > 10 Or strEircode.Length <> 7 Or mskPhoneNumber.Length <> 10 Then
                intErrorCount += 1
                MessageBox.Show("One or more detais has been entered incorrectly")

            Else MessageBox.Show("All Details Entered Correctly")
            End If

        'if errorcount reaches 5 then operator must login again and restart
        If intErrorCount = 5 Then
            MessageBox.Show("You have made too many errors, you must Login again")

        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub txtErrorCount_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtErrorCount.TextChanged

    End Sub
End Class

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