mardi 24 novembre 2020

I'm a beginner in C# and trying to refactor/shorten this code in line with SOLID principles

Is there a better way to write the code below in line with SOLID priciples? I couldn't come up with anything better. (I am a beginner)

using System.Configuration;

namespace Examples.Services
    public class ExamplePaymentService : IExamplePaymentService
        public MakePaymentResult MakePayment(MakePaymentRequest request)
            var dataStoreType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataStoreType"];

            Account account = null;

            if (dataStoreType == "Backup")
                var accountDataStore = new BackupAccountDataStore();
                account = accountDataStore.GetAccount(request.DebtorAccountNumber);
                var accountDataStore = new AccountDataStore();
                account = accountDataStore.GetAccount(request.DebtorAccountNumber);

            var result = new MakePaymentResult();

            switch (request.PaymentScheme)
                case PaymentScheme.Bacs:
                    if (account == null)
                        result.Success = false;
                    else if (!account.AllowedPaymentSchemes.HasFlag(AllowedPaymentSchemes.Bacs))
                        result.Success = false;

                case PaymentScheme.FasterPayments:
                    if (account == null)
                        result.Success = false;
                    else if 
                        result.Success = false;
                    else if (account.Balance < request.Amount)
                        result.Success = false;

                case PaymentScheme.Chaps:
                    if (account == null)
                        result.Success = false;
                    else if (!account.AllowedPaymentSchemes.HasFlag(AllowedPaymentSchemes.Chaps))
                        result.Success = false;
                    else if (account.Status != AccountStatus.Live)
                        result.Success = false;

            if (result.Success)
                account.Balance -= request.Amount;

                if (dataStoreType == "Backup")
                    var accountDataStore = new BackupAccountDataStore();
                    var accountDataStore = new AccountDataStore();

            return result;

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