mercredi 18 novembre 2020

the if statement not running inside the async function

 const readersInfo = useSelector(
  (state:IRootState) => state.reader.readerinfo

useEffect(() => {
}, [dispatch]);

const readerInfo = readersInfo[0]

const onSubmit = async () => {

  const recording_data=  await onStartRecord()
console.log(recording_data) //is ok 
   if (readerInfo){

 //this part can't run
    console.log("this is path",recording_data,,bookId, page)
     dispatch(postAudioRecordThunk(recording_data as string,,bookId, page))

when I called the onSubmit function, the aaabbbccc did logged, but the if statement is not running, anyone could help? thx! the readerInfo is a constant loaded by useSelector from redux which is true in this case

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