So I'm running a basic loop that's iterating through a list of items containing a dictionary and I'm filtering the list on the basis of if the selected key !=" " or None. However, the !=" " part seems to be working but the None check is not working.
Here's what I'm trying to say in code form
data = [{'Field': 'somevalue', 'Anotherfield': 'somevalue'}, {'Field': 'somevalue', 'Anotherfield': ''}, {'Field': 'somevalue', 'Anotherfield': None}}
datanew = []
for items in data:
if items['Anotherfield']!= '' or items['Anotherfield'] is None:
What I should be getting is datanew = [{'Field': 'somevalue', 'Anotherfield': 'somevalue'}]
vs what I'm getting datanew = [{'Field': 'somevalue', 'Anotherfield': 'somevalue'}, {'Field': 'somevalue', 'Anotherfield': None}]
I think it's just a simple mistake in the if condition somehow, but I've gone over it a lot of times now and haven't been able to figure it out yet. What am I doing wrong here?
Thank you.
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