dimanche 20 décembre 2020

corner indices in a list using if

I have two arrays which have the contents to a NxN matrix.

x=[1 1 0 2]
y=[1 1 2 0]

I am trying to check for the corner indices (i.e., [0,0], [0,2], [2,0] and [2,2] in this case). But I'm having a confusion regarding the if statement in this case.

for i in range(len(x)):

    if x[i]!=0 or x[i]!=N-1 and y[i]!=0 or y[i]!=N-1:


        #random code...

If I use this above code, then all the contents of x and y print. But if I use:


for i in range(len(x)):

    if x[i] not in v and y[i] not in v:

        #random code...

It gives the correct output. Don't these two mean the same thing? Please clarify this query.

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