lundi 21 décembre 2020

Excel: How to use if(countif) using multiple ranges to return multiple texts?

I am trying to build a formula under sheet1 columnM to provide a status for each cell in columnE in sheet1, if the cell in columnE is found in columnJ in sheet2 then return "analysis complete" if not found, if cell in columnE in sheet1 is found in columnJ in sheet3 then return "pendning analysis" if not found then return "log in pending". The "status" should come from the following formula but I must be missing something because I spot checked the status of a few and they were incorrect.

=IF(COUNTIF('Sheet2'!J:J,'Sheet1'!E2),"Analysis Complete",IF(COUNTIF('Sheet3'!J:J,'Sheet1'!E2),"Pending Analysis","Pending Log In"))

I would appreciate any help, thank you in advance!

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