lundi 21 décembre 2020

Jenkins pipeline assigm variable multiple times

Is it possible to re-assign the variable value a few times inside IF in one script block? I have a script block where I need to pass variable values to different environments:

script {
    if (env.DEPLOY_ENV == 'staging') {
        echo 'Run LUX-staging build'
        def ENV_SERVER = ['']
        def UML_SUFFIX = ['stage-or']
        sh 'ansible-playbook nginx_depl.yml --limit'
        echo 'Run STAGE ADN deploy'
        def ENV_SERVER = ['']
        def UML_SUFFIX = ['stage-sg']
        sh 'ansible-playbook nginx_depl.yml --limit'                      
        echo 'Run STAGE SG deploy'
        def ENV_SERVER = ['']
        def UML_SUFFIX = ['stage-ba']
        sh 'ansible-playbook nginx_depl.yml --limit'                                              

But I receive an error in Jenkins job on second variable assignment:

org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WorkflowScript: 80: The current scope already contains a variable of the name ENV_SERVER
@ line 80, column 11.
                    def ENV_SERVER = ['']

WorkflowScript: 81: The current scope already contains a variable of the name UML_SUFFIX
 @ line 81, column 11.
                    def UML_SUFFIX = ['stage-sg']

Or perhaps any other ways to multiple assignment inside one IF part of script block.

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