lundi 14 décembre 2020

Looking to formula an IF statement to apply to multiple cells

Currently, my formula consists of one long string for each individual cell. I'm putting together a rate card, and while the formula works - I feel like it could be simplified.

It currently reads

=IF($I8='Rate Card'!$A4,'Rate Card'!B4)+IF($I8='Rate Card'!$A5,'Rate Card'!B5)+IF($I8='Rate Card'!$A6,'Rate Card'!B6)+IF($I8='Rate Card'!$A7,'Rate Card'!B7)

So I have a dropdown cell that the user can pick the client, and the corresponding rate per team member populates in the one sheet.

Is there a way I can use the current formula I have but instead have a smaller statement ?

EDIT: For a real world example: I have Client A, Client B, Client C. When user selects Client A from the drop down (Column A, Row 1 in the rate card sheet) I want the cell to update contents of Row 1. When user selects Client B from the drop down (Column A, Row 2) I want the cell to update the contents of Row 2.

As you can currently see, my if statement is updating each cell in one long statement, I want to condense this further if possible.

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