dimanche 20 décembre 2020

Why does the condition within the if-else statement never satisfy even though I enter the right string that matches the string in the list?

Q: Take inputs from user to make a list. Again take one input from user and search it in the list and delete that element, if found. Iterate over list using for loop.

My Answer:

enter = list()

for user_input in range(1, 6):
    enter.append(input("Enter a name: "))

new_input = (input("Enter the name you need to find in the list: "))

for check_input in enter:
    if check_input == new_input:
        print("Item not found within the list")


However, when I run the code and enter 5 random strings and then enter a string that I want to delete from the list, it never meets the 'if' condition and always shows me that the item wasn't found within the list even though I enter the exact same string as entered within the list.

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