I am coding in R
and due to stability purposes when I have to deploy something, I call every function with the syntax package::function(arguments)
just to avoid conflicts that as you know may happen when using a lot of packages. It helped me a lot over the years.
I know that if
is a reserved word so technically speaking it is impossible (or at least it should be in my knowledge) for someone to define an object and name it if
I am also aware that it belongs to control flow statement (which I think are a different "thing") and due to the previous consideration I am also aware that the following questions might be useless. My pure technical doubts are:
- Why if I embrace it in back-ticks the function class returns "function" as a result?
- Why without back-ticks I get an error? and last but most important
- Why I am unable to access it via the usual
As I said, most likely useless questions but at this point I am curious about the details underneath it.
> class(if)
Error: unexpected ')' in "class(if)"
> class(`if`)
[1] "function"
> base::if(T) T
Error: unexpected 'if' in "base::if"
> if(T) T
[1] TRUE
> base::if(`T`) T
Error: unexpected 'if' in "base::if"
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