mercredi 1 septembre 2021

Conditional group_by with example

I have a task to identify unique trial (1,2,3,...) in a dataset. Here is an example:


The conditional columns are:

unique_trials_RCBD<- ("source","ID","cultivar","design")


Using a conditional group_by based on a few columns, we almost get the correct result, with the exception that it does not correctly identify (PDMR_vol_7 CF026) as two trials.

doAGroupBy <- function(data, some_condition) {

 if (some_condition == TRUE) {

   group_args <- unique_trials_RCBD

  } else {

   group_args <- unique_trials_SP


  data %>%

 a<-doAGroupBy(data, FALSE) %>% 

In total, there should be 4 trials there. Any ideas on how to improve this code? thanks

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