As a D&D aficionado, I have written out a script to perform any attack and damage rolls for any specified die, including what happens in the event of a critical attack roll (20).
from random import randint
atk_roll = 20
hit_mod = 6
atk_hit = atk_roll + hit_mod
die = 'd10'
dmg_mod = 4
rolls = 1
def dice_roller(x, y, z):
y1 = int(y.strip('d'))
dict = {}
results = []
step = 1
while step <= z:
die = randint(1,y1)
step += 1
if atk_roll == 20:
total = (sum(results)+dmg_mod) + (y1*z)
pct_dmg = total / (((y1*z)+dmg_mod) + (y1*z))
total = sum(results) + dmg_mod
pct_dmg = total / ((y1*z)+dmg_mod)
dict.update({'Attack Roll: ' + f'{atk_roll} + {hit_mod} = {x}':
{'Damage Roll: ' + f'{z}' + y:
{'Rolls': results, 'Total Damage': total, 'Pct_Damage': f'{pct_dmg:.0%}'}}})
print(dice_roller(atk_hit, die, rolls))
{'Attack Roll: 20 + 6 = 26': {'Damage Roll: 1d10': {'Rolls': [4], 'Total Damage': 18, 'Pct_Damage': '75%'}}}
The issue becomes when I introduce a new "if/else" statement to account for a missed attack. The only roll that does not work is a critical roll:
from random import randint
atk_roll = 20
hit_mod = 6
atk_hit = atk_roll + hit_mod
die = 'd10'
dmg_mod = 4
rolls = 1
ac = 15
def dice_roller(x, y, z):
y1 = int(y.strip('d'))
dict = {}
results = []
step = 1
if x >= ac:
while step <= z:
die = randint(1,y1)
step += 1
if atk_roll == 20:
total = (sum(results)+dmg_mod) + (y1*z)
pct_dmg = total / (((y1*z)+dmg_mod) + (y1*z))
total = sum(results) + dmg_mod
pct_dmg = total / ((y1*z)+dmg_mod)
dict.update({'Attack Roll: ' + f'{atk_roll} + {hit_mod} = {x}':
{'Damage Roll: ' + f'{z}' + y:
{'Rolls': results, 'Total Damage': total, 'Pct_Damage': f'{pct_dmg:.0%}'}}})
print('Your attack missed')
print(dice_roller((atk_hit), die, rolls))
When I change the value of "atk_roll" in the second script back to "randint(1,20)", the code works exactly as intended, noting when an attack misses or returning the dictionary of values if the attack hits. I cannot for the life of me figure out why the code is returning a blank dict only when "atk_roll" = 20. Does it have something to do with the nesting syntax of if/while/if? Thanks!
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