I want to ask, right now I’m doing the python3 http web server. However it has the issue on “if-condition” when it stuck at “while-true”. When I want to use other “if condition”, the program stuck at “while-true” and cannot proceed other program.
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
import subprocess
Request = None
class RequestHandler_httpd(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
global Request
messagetosend = bytes('Hello Worldddd!',"utf")
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
self.send_header('Content-Length', len(messagetosend))
Request = self.requestline
Request = Request[5 : int(len(Request)-9)]
if Request == 'onAuto':
def always_run():
subprocess.run("python3 satu.py ;", shell=True)
subprocess.run("python3 dua.py ;", shell=True)
while True:
always_run() #the program stuck here and other if cannot be used
if Request == 'onFM':
subprocess.run("python3 satu.py ;", shell=True)
if Request == 'onQR':
subprocess.run("python3 dua.py ;", shell=True)
if Request == 'offSYS':
subprocess.run("python3 OFF_SYSTEM.py ;", shell=True)
server_address_httpd = ('X.X.X.X',8080) #my private address
httpd = HTTPServer(server_address_httpd, RequestHandler_httpd)
print('Starting Server')
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