I have a dictionary consisting of several keys with values that are lists, as such:
Dict = {keyA:[1, 3, 2], keyB:[2, 3, 4], keyC:[1,4,3]}
I want to create lists from this values, named from the values. The items in these lists are the keys that had these values in their corresponding lists.
list1 = [keyA, keyC]
list2 = [keyA, keyB]
list3 = [keyA, keyB, keyC]
So far I have managed to name the lists after the values that are existing in the dictionary value-lists:
Max_No = 12
N = 0
while N < Max_No:
N = N + 1
locals()["list"+str(N)] = []
But when I try to expand this with while loops, so that I can iterate through the dictionary keys and values, things break down:
Max_No = 12
N = 0
while N < Max_No:
N = N + 1
locals()["list"+str(N)] = []
N = 0
for key, value in Dict:
while N < Max_No:
N = N + 1
if N in value:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The error message i get is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
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