jeudi 2 décembre 2021

If statements not moving to the else statement in a game of chance in JavaScript

Hello I am writing pretty much a game of chance with JavaScript and for some reason even when the right answer is given it displays that you lost. I have tried to change the if conditions but am not well versed enough to figure it out. This is my first time asking a question on here if you need anymore info I will supply what I know and if this has been answered already I could not find it or did not recognize it as the answer as like I said I am still pretty new at coding in general.

This is the HTML

    <h4>You get two guess and my number is random every time you try. Goodluck!</h4>
    <input type="text" onkeyup="guessOneCheck(this)" placeholder="enter your guess 1-10" id="guessOne" maxlength="2">
    <input type="text" onkeyup="guessTwoCheck(this)" placeholder="enter your guess 1-10" id="guessTwo" maxlength="2">
    <button id="submit__Guesses" onclick="bothWrong()">SUBMIT GUESSES</button>
    <div id="guessAnswer"></div>
 <script src="main.js"></script>

This is the javascript

let guessOne = ''
let guessTwo = ''

const guessOneCheck = (g1) => {
  guessOne = g1.value

const guessTwoCheck = (g2) => {
  guessTwo = g2.value

const bothWrong = () =>{
  let randomNum = Math.floor((Math.random() *10) + 1);

  if(guessOne !== randomNum && guessTwo !== randomNum){
    document.getElementById('guessAnswer').innerHTML = 'HaHa you lose better luck next time!! My number was' + ' ' + randomNum;
  } else if(guessOne == randomNum || guessTwo == randomNum){
    document.getElementById('guessAnswer').innerHTML = 'What! No you cheated, or omg are you a psychic!!! My number was' + ' ' + randomNum;

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