mercredi 28 janvier 2015

PHP if condition for adding and removing without completely rebuilding

I'm creating a PostgreSQL table column management tool to quickly add, remove and rearrange columns in tables. Thus far it is working great in simple scenarios where I simply append a column to the end or remove an existing column. Each of my if conditions call other functions to append a new column, delete an existing column or to rebuild the table as a whole; these functions work great as far as I can currently test.

How do I create an if condition where I'll call both the append function and the delete function instead of the rebuild function?

I have several arrays to help me determine the logic though I'm having trouble getting it worked out. Here are the arrays of column names and again in this scenario I should not be calling the rebuild function, need to call the append function and the delete function.

In this scenario all I'm going to do is delete the column id_2 and add the column id_4 so there is no need to rearrange the order or columns.

$columns_db - The columns as they exist in the PostgreSQL database.

[0] => id
[1] => id_1
[2] => id_2
[3] => id_3

$columns_updated - The columns in the database that we're going to keep.

[0] => id
[1] => id_2
[2] => id_3

$columns_submitted - The final way the columns should appear when all is done,

[0] => id
[1] => id_2
[2] => id_3
[3] => id_4


$columns_slice = array_slice($columns_submitted,0,(count($columns_updated) - 1),true);

[0] => id
[1] => id_2

$columns_remove - The column(s) that will be dropped.

[1] => id_1

$columns_append - The column(s) that will be created.

[id_4] => bigint

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