mercredi 30 mars 2016

Comparing ConsoleKey variable type

this is my code. Basically it gives a compiler error


        if (teclaPulsada.Key=ConsoleKey.Q | teclaPulsada.Key=ConsoleKey.A | teclaPulsada.Key=ConsoleKey.Z)
            //I do something

Then another question, I have this code, that it seems to be equal to the previous one, but this also uses ConsoleKey and int

if ((teclaPulsada.Key=ConsoleKey.Q & Pregunta.retornarPosicioRespostaCorrecta()==0) | (teclaPulsada.Key=ConsoleKey.A & Pregunta.retornarPosicioRespostaCorrecta()==1) || (teclaPulsada=ConsoleKey.Z & Pregunta.retornarPosicioRespostaCorrecta()==2))
        //I do something

In both cases I have tried diffrent systems, like using && or & and || or |. I have also tried using .key. But I'm stucked.


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