samedi 28 mai 2016

When changing the colour variable within if and else if statements it comes back with an error saying it is unassigned

I am trying to change the color of a ball randomly however when I try to use the color variable to become the color of the solid brush it says that it is unassigned. "Use of unassigned local variable 'ballColour'"

    xPos = xPos + GAP_SIZE;
    int colour = rand.Next(1, 40);
    Color ballColour;
    if (colour >= 1 && colour <= 9)
        ballColour = Color.Blue;
    else if (colour >= 10 && colour <= 19)
        ballColour = Color.Orange;

    else if (colour >= 20 && colour <= 29)
        ballColour = Color.Green;
    else if (colour >= 30 && colour <= 39)
        ballColour = Color.Red;
    else if (colour == 40)
        ballColour = Color.Purple;
    SolidBrush ballColourBrush = new SolidBrush(ballColour); //This is the one that returns the error.
    paper.FillEllipse(ballColourBrush, xPos, yPos, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE);
                    xPos = xPos + BALL_SIZE;

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